Redemption is a collectible trading card game
based on the Bible. Heroes attempt to rescue lost souls,
overcoming any evil characters that oppose them. Two to five players race to
rescue a set number of lost souls before their opponents do the same.
This site contains information for all Redemption players, as well as
info specific to players from California. Enjoy your visit!
Tournaments in CA

June 29, 2013 - State - 9:30 a.m. - $7
entry fee.
We will be using the new
4th Edition Starter Decks (see sample card above)for sealed deck ($13),
and the
new Tin for
Booster Draft ($17).
Those new cards will NOT be legal for open decks at the
State tournament.
July 13, 2013 - Regional - 9:30 a.m. - $9
entry fee
The new cards will be legal for ALL categories at the
Regional tournament.

The previously reported date of July 16 is in error. The correct
date for the Redemption SW Regional tournament is July 13. The Invoking
Terror image above was used because it is the favorite art of one of my
favorite Redemption players. You're welcome, Brandan!
Thank you, Michael, for finding the error.
Tournament Info for location and details
For rulings on cards, check out the
"For he
has rescued us from the dominion of darkness
and brought us into the
kingdom of the Son he loves,
in whom we have
redemption, the forgiveness
of sins."
1: 13-14
site is designed and maintained by Bryon Hake. Best viewed with
Internet Explorer.
e-mail me with comments, questions, or suggestions.